About Me


My Story

I’m Rob, the founder of theonetechstop.com. I’m a Marine Corps vet with a master’s degree in Information Systems and have been working in the technology field for over a decade. I also have a lot of experience with pretty much all consumer technology from laptops to home automation and plan on doing what I can to share what I’ve learned over the years with you.

My Background

I started my career when I joined the Marine Corps back in 2007. I went into the communications field and worked towards getting my undergrade degree while on active duty. I received my undergrad degree in networking and telecommunications shortly after being honorably discharged and went on to get my graduate degree in Information Systems while working full time in the IT department for a software company.

Fast forward 10 years and Im still working for the same company. During that time I held many roles including Sr. Syetems Engineer and Sr. Manager.


I have received many certifications over the years but the ones most notable for this site would be the A++ and CCNA ones. Most of the other certifications I have are specific to enterprise-class technology.