Our gadgets are important in our daily lives today because we basically live in the digital world when it comes to our work and social life. That said, your HP computer or gadget might be one of the most important parts of your entire life today. But, like a lot of different gadgets, something could go wrong with your HP computer. So, is HP Accidental Damage Protection worth it?
If you bought a fairly affordable laptop, it might not be worth it to spend hundreds of dollars on the Accidental Damage Protection. However, if you have an expensive HP gadget or computer that’s very important to you, the insurance should be worth it.
When it comes to gadget insurance regardless of what brand you might be talking about, it all boils down to how expensive and how important the gadget is for you to determine if it’s worth spending a few extra dollars on damage protection. That said, let’s talk more about the HP Accidental Damage Protection and whether or not it is worth it for you.

What does HP Accidental Damage Protection cover?
When you buy an HP laptop, computer, or gadget, you are given the option to also purchase HP’s Accidental Damage Protection. So, this damage protection that you have to buy is basically insurance on the part of HP so that they can repair or replace your laptop or gadget in case of accidental damage. Think of it as insurance for your gadget and that it has a scope that extends far beyond what the warranty covers.
But what does the HP Accidental Damage Protection even cover?
So, according to HP’s website, the HP Accidental Damage Protection is basically a care package that covers things that are beyond what your warranty can cover such as accidents that may happen while you are using your gadget. This ensures that you no longer have to worry about out-of-pocket expenses in case something happens to your laptop or gadget.
Moving on, the HP Accidental Damage Protection covers the following:
- Fire
- Non-intentional liquid spills
- Falls
- Collisions
- Drops
- Electrical surges
- Broken LCD displays
So, as you can see, the HP Accidental Damage Protection basically covers your usual accidents and the things that can more often than not happen to your laptop or gadget unintentionally or by accident. What it basically says is that it covers things that are not your fault or are out of your control.
Meanwhile, what the HP Accidental Damage Protection does not cover are the following:
- Theft
- Loss
- Normal wear and tear
- Consumables
- Intentional acts of damage
As seen from that, there are limits to what the HP Accidental Damage Protection can cover. And such limits are actually pretty understandable because all of those are within your control and are not the usual accidents that can happen to a laptop or gadget.

How much does HP Accidental Damage Protection cost?
Now, let us go into how much you will be paying for your HP Accidental Damage Protection in case you do want to purchase it. After all, by looking at the price, you will be able to tell whether or not it is actually worth it because you are going to have to weigh the price against the different advantages that you may get from the HP Accidental Damage Protection.
So, if you wanted to purchase a three-year HP Accidental Damage Protection, you are not only purchasing the damage protection but also an extended two-year warranty. However, the price will depend on the HP laptop that you have. Of course, the more expensive your laptop is, the more expensive the package will be.
For example, the more affordable HP 15, 17 Pavilion 10 care packs will cost you around $96.99 for a three-year care plan plus Accidental Damage Protection. But if you owned the more expensive Omen X laptop, which is at the higher price range among all of HP’s laptops or gadgets, you will need to pay $369.99 a two-year extended care pack plus Accidental Damage Protection.
As you can see, HP did well enough to package their products depending on their different gadgets because the cost of the repairs they will be making will depend highly on the model of your laptop or gadget. So, the more expensive your laptop is, the more expensive the HP Accidental Damage Protection will be. This is where you will see if the HP Accidental Damage Protection and the price it comes with is actually worth it.

Is HP Accidental Damage Protection worth it?
Now that we have the preliminaries settled, we are now here to talk about whether or not HP Accidental Damage Protection is worth it. After all, you might find yourself spending hundreds of dollars on something you might not even end up using throughout your computer’s entire lifetime.
So, for those show have the more expensive laptops like the Omen or the Omen X, repairs can be quite expensive when it comes to those models. Your money would go to shame those laptops end up getting damaged accidentally.
In that sense, it would be a good idea for you to buy into the HP Accidental Damage Protection even though it might come with a steep price tag because you would want to protect your investment. And if you could buy a computer that is as expensive as the Omen X, you can afford the HP Accidental Damage Protection package.
Meanwhile, for those who live moderately safe lifestyles and have HP computers that aren’t on the expensive side, it might not be worth it to buy the HP Accidental Damage Protection. That’s because the chances of accidentally damaging your unit are slim and that, if ever they do end up getting damaged accidentally, the cost of the repairs might not be on par with the overall price you will be paying for the HP Accidental Damage Protection.
And even if you do argue that you have important files and data stored in your fairly affordable HP laptop, the thing you need to weigh is the price of the care package, which should be around $100 if you include the HP Accidental Damage Protection. Meanwhile, a repair job for a fairly affordable HP model might not be that expensive at all. In that regard, you might end up paying more for the care package in comparison to how much the repairs should cost.
Needless to say, regardless of how much your HP gadget costs, it should be a good idea to purchase the HP Accidental Damage Protection if you are always on the go. That’s because you will never know what will happen along the way while you are traveling or when you are always out working with your HP laptop. And such accidents may not happen only once or twice for a person who is always on the go. So, when you weigh in the total price of the repairs, you would see that the care package with the HP Accidental Damage Protection should be more than worth its price.