Alexa Routines Not Working? 4 Simple Solutions

Alexa’s routine feature makes life easy and well-managed. What do you do now that Alexa isn’t responding as it should?

If your Alexa routine isn’t working, the best trick is to check whether your device is connected to all the required Alexa routines. You should also check whether you’re using the right words. If all else fails, you can contact customer support or reset Alexa routines.

Alexa isn’t as difficult to fix, especially if you’re having a problem with your routine. If you’ve been wondering “Why are my Alexa routines not working?”, this article will dive into the three simple ways to get your Alexa working well again.

Amazon Echo Plus smart Home device

How To Fix Alexa Routine Feature

When you want to start a routine, and Alexa doesn’t respond, don’t waste your breath by repeating yourself. Instead, try these three solutions.

1. Check That Your Echo Device Is Connected to Your Routine

If you have one Echo device (on Amazon), your Alexa will have no problem carrying out your routine. But, if you have multiple devices in your home, your routine will only remain connected to a single Alexa device.

For example, your bedroom echo device will not activate for the routine that your living room Echo device is connected to.

In the case of multiple devices, your task is to connect all Echo devices with your specific Alexa routine. A way to do that is to use the Alexa application and set up the same routine for each device. You’ll need to follow all the same steps to ensure that the routine stays similar.

If you don’t know how to do so, your Alexa app will guide you through the app. Here’s a video to show you how:

2. Check the Routine for All Echo Devices

Let’s say your Alexa routine isn’t working for one room. Human error is to blame for this issue.

One of the most common reasons Alexa doesn’t follow specific routines is a typo in the command. When using a routine, Alexa follows your words to the letter. But if there’s a typo or if you’ve used the wrong word, Alexa will not understand.

For example, if you use words such as “the living” instead of “living room” or “room#2” for the “second bedroom,” Alexa will have issues understanding your command.

It’s not to say that Alexa is dumb. But given that Alexa is an app installed on a device that can’t think for itself, you’ll need to dumb it down, enunciate, and be direct so that Alexa can work accordingly.

Echo Dot Top 2

3. Get in Touch With Customer Support

If all this fails, don’t experiment with Alexa.

Instead, get in touch with Customer Support. Usually, it’s something very nominal that causes Alexa not to work. Given the experience Customer Support workers have, they usually have no problem getting to the bottom of the issue.

To make their job and yours easier, choose the right category when getting in touch with them, and be prepared to give them all the details so they can find out the cause.

4. Reset Your Alexa Routine

If you have a standard set for one room and the Alexa routine doesn’t work, go to the app and check any mistakes in the text. Also, check every step in the routine, so you know Alexa is following all the required instructions.

Alexa requires concrete commands and an appropriate script to work correctly. If you want to wake up in the morning to dimmed lights, the coffee machine already on, the blinds half up, and the radio playing at a soft volume, you will need to add every step in clear English, down to what radio station you need and what volume.

This typically resolves the problem. But if your issue persists, the best task is to reset the Alexa routine. Delete the previous one, and write a new one from scratch. Your Alexa will start working as it should.

If not, it’s nothing Customer Support can’t help fix.

Amazon Echo Dot and Alexa with a marble background

What To Do if Alexa Routine Stops Working With SmartThings

If you’ve been using Alexa daily and your routine stops because you begin using SmartThings, there may be a couple of reasons for that.

Connecting With Samsung’s SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor

The SmartThings app is compatible with Amazon Echo and Echo dot, both of which work through Alexa.

The SmartThings app allows you to control various utilities in your home, such as locks, thermostats, on/off switches, and lighting. All of this is through Alexa, which checks on contact sensors and motion.

According to various customers using SmartThings, using the app with Alexa somehow stops their initial routines from working.

If that’s the case, you’ll want to create a separate routine or reset the routine entirely for it to work with Alexa. Usually, disabling and re-enabling the SmartThings app works well in conjunction with the Alexa activation.

However, if you can’t use your routine, use separate setups with your Alexa routine for anything related to the SmartThings hub.

SmartThings May Not Have Upgraded

Motion sensors linked with Alexa often get triggered because of orders given through the SmartThings hub. And that messes up the regular routines.

If that’s your problem, it may not be wise to use a home integration system until you have better software. SmartThings—while compatible and usable by design—isn’t a perfected software, and therefore will create issues until an upgrade is made.

Until that time, it’s best to use SmartThings separately. You can make things easier by creating a virtual switch through the app. It’ll be easier to control, and you’ll be able to access it through your phone.

Amazon Echo voice recognition


Having your Alexa routine not work can be very disruptive to your daily schedule, especially if you like to follow a strict timetable.

With the above details, you should be able to get your Alexa routines back. Remember, check your texts, double-check your connections with other Alexa devices, and when in doubt, contact customer support.

Alexa is a simple, straightforward app. Any solutions for it will be quick and easy to follow. You’ll have your Alexa routines working in no time.


I'm Rob, the founder of I’m a Marine Corps vet with a master’s degree in Information Systems and have been working in the technology field for over a decade.

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